Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A visit to Kemah Boardwalk

This past weekend, Ray and I took off on Saturday afternoon to go on an adventure. As we were heading out the door, Ray says "We'll take my car...I've got better tires." We were on the south side of Houston, when Ray takes an exit, one I didn't think we should be taking.... He said the car sounded funny. About a half hour later, and the spare tire where the rear tire of the drivers side should be, we continued on our way. We found that the tire was torn to shreds on the inside. He just bought the two back tires on the way to Alabama in April, only 4 months ago. :(

But, after the unexpected tire change...we continued on...

View of Downtown on I-10

When we finally arrived, we had made it through an almost blown tire, drove through a rain storm, and arrived at the coast, and Kemah Boardwalk. 

We found catfish, and fed them.

A funny little bird who wanted us to feed him instead of the fish. 

 Went to the Downtown Aquarium's Stingray Reef!

Ray feeding the Sting Rays!

Me, feeding the Sting Rays, which I was less than thrilled about.... 

A small alligator and some turtles

This turtle is trying with all his little might to get out of this tank

A very giant, what I would guess, as a very old turtle

YIKES! A tarantula! 

Ray and I after just boarding the Boardwalk Beast

After the Boardwalk Beast! Holy cow, we knew we were going to get wet....but little did we know, we sat in the worst seat and when we got off, it looked like we'd just swam in the ocean with our clothes on! Ugh, I don't swim in salt water for a reason...all sticky and smelly the rest of the day. But that doesn't ruin our mood, we're troopers! 

Can't you tell with this face?!

Drying off! 

What a great little time we had. So much fun! 

Sunday after church, we decided to wander aimlessly...yet again. Ray doesn't usually get home until 7:30-8:00 every weekday evening, so on the weekends, we're excited to spend quality time with one another. :) 

We went to the mall, and went to the movies and saw Crazy Stupid Love. We had a great weekend! Lot's of fun. 

This coming weekend, I look forward to some time with my girlfriends. A girls night out, Saturday!! We'll see how much trouble we can get into! ;) 

Ciao, my friends! 

A Trip to the Big Easy...continued.

Here's another round of photos from my trip to New Orleans last weekend.

From the bridge headed into New Orleans from The West Bank

This photo is of the Superdome sign, not the truck with the LSU logo and two pin-up girls, lol.

A street car on Canal Street

A sweet little street in the French Quarter

Ray, very happy in the city he loves

Typical balconies

A little cat on Bourbon Street

Me at dinner. Note: It was about 100 degrees, and I felt very sweaty and sticky. 

Alligator Sausage at The Embers

Ray & I

The beginning of Mardi Gras Exhibit at the Louisiana State Museum

Superdome up close....(from the highway)

A quick trip thru Baton Rouge

Mike, the LSU Tiger

Mike is taking a little tiger snooze

View of Baton Rouge from I-10