Monday, November 28, 2011

Check it off the list!

My first post was this summer...I've since turned 29 <eek!> and I just thought it would be a good idea to look and see what I can cross off my list of 30 things to do before I turn 30.

Let's take a look...

1. Skydiving - I always thought I was adventurous...until it came time that I could actually do things on my own. Someone brought up skydiving to me last year, and I thought, ya know, Morgan, just do it. So I'm gonna.
2. Join a Bible Study - I am hungry for the word of my Lord, and I know that I must begin at the bottom. I don't know much about anything when it comes to the bible. Maybe they'll have room in with the little kids...
3. Volunteer - Giving back to my community is something that makes my heart so happy.
4. Go to my 10 year High School Reunion - High School was never my favorite. I despised school all the way through. Thankfully, we're in an age that Facebook is sometimes the end all be all of communication, and I'm ok with that...But I'd like to hug a few people that I keep up with. Life is so short, embrace it while it's here.
5. Have Thanksgiving with my Mom - I have not spent Thanksgiving with my mom in almost 10 years. This year, I'm sitting right next to her.
6. Read 25 books - I don't think this should be too difficult. I've got roughly 18 months to do this.
7. Learn Something New - Photography, blogging, writing, who knows, just something that I don't already know.
8. Learn to forgive - Enough said.
9. Lose 20 pounds
10. But my first piece of real furniture - Not just a bookcase from Ikea, but something real and true that I can keep for years and years.
11. Pay it Forward, monthly - Once a month, I want to buy someones coffee, or a young mom's groceries. Just something to help people realize that there are good people in this world.
12. Relax - Sit peacefully with a quiet mind. 30 minutes once a week, at least.
13. Go on a romantic vacation - no plans, just someplace simple, with water and sunshine, and pina coladas.
14. Have fresh flowers on the table at least once a month
15. Make a difference - be true to me and be true to those around me.
16. Wear high heels
17. Call my best friend once a week
18. Save money - for nothing special
19. Clean out my closet
20. Take loads of pictures
21. Set goals - And keep them
22. Adopt a doggie -My life was and will always be complete with a four legged friend.
23. Consider going back to college - I know what y'all are thinking...
24. Spread awareness - For Chase, learn about Trisomy 18 at
25. Remind myself and my friends that tomorrow is not a guarantee. Live the life given to you, make the best of your days, for they are few.

Ok, so I was able to cross off 3 things.

I joined a women's small group bible study, and I just love going to it. It's each Tuesday evening. So thankful I found it!!  Ray and I have also started going to a Sunday School class before Church.

I went to my 10 year high school reunion...It wasn't the best thing ever, but it wasn't awful either. I met up with a few people that I was excited to see. And, I only stayed about an hour. lol!

And lastly, I spent Thanksgiving with my mom. We had a wonderful time together. I miss her terribly already...I wish so much that she and I lived closer.

So, since I'm only able to cross off three things, I'll keep on working towards the rest.

Happy Holidays to everyone!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Photo Love

Hey Y'all!!

I just wanted to share the beautiful photos that we had taken a few weeks ago. Thanks to Nicole Ivey for being such a great photographer.


Where We Belong. Where I am Meant to Be.

I have a dear friend who I hold very close in my heart. She is about 13 years my senior. She first told me, close to 10 years ago, that she believes we all change about every 5 years. If you've ever heard the term, 'going through a season of life', you'll understand the post you're about to read.

I'm about to turn 29 in a few days. I am about to celebrate the last year of my twenties. This decade has been a whirlwind of ups and downs, twists and turns, and my head is constantly spinning. I'm not ready to be an adult yet. I wish, some days, that I could turn around and I'd be 16 again. Not for many things, but just to make the right decisions the next time around.

When I was in 7th grade, I had made a few new friends, we all started at the same school that year. Later on into the year, we'd all grown quite close, but I still give thanks to the one person who introduced me to the Church and to a Youth Group where I found Jesus, waiting for me and ready, with open arms. I had so much fun, learning, making friends, going on retreats and missions trips, and realizing around 15 or 16 years old what I wanted to do with my life. Of course that has since changed, and mainly because of the choices I made. I don't necessarily regret the choices I made, but I do wish I could have a do-over. I wish, like every other adult, that I'd listened to my mom more, and my needing heart a little less.

We all go through seasons of life, for me, my seasons were this:
-Start Junior High 
-Meet and make new friends

-Join a church family
-Start High School

-Meet a boy
-Stop interacting with my church family, even with school friends
-Focus all my time on boy
-Meet and make new friends
-Want to go to Church
-Marry boy
-Start a career
-Meet and make new friends
-Want to go to Church
-Decide to do something else, somewhere else with my life
-Go through battle after battle with people, knowing in my heart that every decision I was about to make was right for me
-Move away from my entire life roughly 2,000 miles to start a new(ish) job
-Meet and make new friends
-Divorce boy
-Start going to a new church
-Start trying to figure out who Morgan is at 27 years old
-Meet new boy
-Still working on who Morgan is at 28 years old
-Start at a new church due to a move
-Get involved with Church, make new church family
-Continue finding the real Morgan at (almost 29 years old)

And that brings us to now. Knocking on the door of 29 years old. Oh my goodness. Where have the past years of my life go? What do I have to show for myself? What am I going to do with the rest of my life? What do I want? What do I need? Where will I find the answers to these questions?

When I met my ex-husband while we were both in High School, I stopped going to church, stopped interacting with the youth group, this will also include other friends outside of church. I did all of this, like many other people who are smitten with someone, and I knew at that time, I was making a bad decision. I knew because I always had a longing for something more. Something to make me whole. Something to fulfill my desires to be part of something.

This post isn't going to be about bashing or name calling, or really any of the feelings I have and are being brought up right now while I type and think about the last 10 years of my life. This is about me. I am the one who made these choices. So if any one out there is reading this post, and you are young or if you are old, and you know who it is that you want to be, but have someone tugging you in a different direction; press the pause button, hold on just a minute and take a good long look at what your priorities in life are. You should never be asked to change for someone else. Someone who loves you, does so because of your dreams, and aspirations. For who you are now, not who they think you should be.

When we're kids, we want to be all the cool things when we grow up, I wanted to be a bagger at the grocery store, then it was a dentist, then it was something else, and something else, and it goes into a vicious circle, and still to this day, I don't know what I want to with my life.

But I know it has something to do with people. Being with people, helping people, interacting and teaching... I don't really think it's all that important to figure it out right now, but what I do know is this. I have taken the initiative to reach out to people at church. I've asked for help finding a Sunday School class at church. I've been twice, think it's great. I asked for a women's small group, been to one evening meeting, had a great time, went to a brunch they put on this past weekend, made some new friends. I feel whole. Or at least more whole than I have in a long time. These people are my age, they are people who are glad I'm reaching out. These are people that will help lift me up and encourage me when I'm feeling down.

Church is a place that I belong. God has always shown me the way, whether I've listened to His advice when He instructs the first time or not. Whether I'm feeling like my whole entire world is crumbling around me, He is there. He lifts me up and reminds me that I am not fighting this battle of life on my own. I have support within Him.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still. Exodus 14:14

I think the main point I have to make tonight is, if you believe in something, if you want something, if you need something, no matter what it is in your life, if it is a goal that you want to reach, you need to go for it. You can not rely on other people to make your life work for you. It doesn't work that way. If you are going through a season of change, of love, of loss, of trials, or of peace, you need to reach out and praise God for everything that you are given. We complain, because it's so easy for us to say we need something materialistic, or we want things that others have, so badly. Remember this friend, you think you have a life of nothing, that you're missing out, or that you aren't what you should have so many blessings to be thankful for.

I ask you, tonight, to look around in your life. Take note of the values in your life. Look at your family, at your friends, at your babies, at your home where things are comfortable and happy, and be thankful. Give thanks to the Lord who makes all things happen.

We all go through seasons in our lives. Whether it's every 5 years, or 10 years, or 2 become a different person so very often in your life. But don't ever let go of what your heart says you are meant to be. Be something, and be great at it.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Is there anything better than a good friend? I don't think so. Maybe a real good friend sharing a martini... I am so blessed to have a wonderful group of friends. I truly am.

I know some people feel differently than others, but my thought on friends is this: I would rather have a handful of really good quality friends, than a whole load of just 'friends'. Anybody with me on that?

Going through school, and I start this at 7th grade, because that is when I came to be my own girl, I had friends, and I had a good number of them. They weren't all friends with each other, but I was friends with many of them. Then came high school. Which I loathed those four years of my life. Man, I thought that time in my life was the pits.

And it's funny to me to see where we've all ended up today, we may have been friends in Maine, or Alaska, maybe we knew each other a while, or were separated at some point, truly have got love Facebook.

I now truly do have a handful of really good friends, and I have some work friends, and I have some people that I say are friends, but we just have an acquaintanceship, and that's ok with me.  I've been put through a lot over the past two and a half years. Some of the 'things' I have been though have been my own doing, some have been the outcome of others actions, and some things, well, I suppose just happen by chance.

Life is a funny thing, and it's much shorter than we could ever imagine. My job keeps me very busy, and every day I have stuff of my calendar. It's like I can't even catch a break. My elders always told me time would fly as I got older...I believe that now. And I hate it.

I go to therapy at least every other week. I love the time I have with my therapist. She is an amazing woman, who I know next to nothing about, yet she knows every little thing about me. We talk about friends of mine, people who I want to be friends with, people who have crossed me, who I feel have left me, people who know me, and people who I love with all my heart has.

I know that I'm rambling a little, but my point is this. I've been hurt in my life. I have been betrayed, I have forgiven, I've lost, and I have forgotten. I've done, and I have said I was sorry. None of us can go back to right the wrongs. None of us can change the way other people feel, or the things that other people do, we can't make decisions for others, and others can't make decisions for us. We are our very own people. And what a beautiful thing that is.

I saw this on Pinterest earlier.
Is it wrong that I truly feel that way about maybe 3 or 4 people on my Facebook? Some times I just want to take these people by the shoulders screaming "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you see that you're wasting your life feeling bad about yourself?" Life is so precious. You don't know when your last day is upon you. You don't know when you're going to lose a loved one to a medical issue, to a freak accident, or to a problem that arose between the two of you... You can't get lost time back. You truly have to make the most of it. 

I have one person who I will say is my best friend. I used to use the term 'best friend' loosely, because I have many best friends. They all know everything about me, or who I was up til I was whatever age I was when we were 'besties.' I have one friend who I consider my best friend in the whole entire world. I would do almost anything for that woman. She is beautiful. She is strong and compassionate. She loves and she bleeds truth. I admire her strength. She is human, she makes mistakes, but she is always honest. And that is the one thing I love about anyone. Be honest. Be honest with yourself, and be honest to others. Own your life, and own your actions and words. 

Life is too short. If you love someone, tell them. And don't say it if you don't mean it. Don't go to bed angry, and don't expect someone else to make your life better. You're the only one who can make your life what you want. Well, you and God I suppose. There is power in prayer. 

Be blessed, blog friends. I'm leaving you with this very funny picture of a cat I found last night. And if you're not giggling like a teenager, you need to spend more time enjoying life and less time being angry. 

If this were my cat, which I don't even like cats, I'd call him "Murray."
Night, y'all! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

My newest obsession...

So, I truly have no will power. You can put candy in front of me, and I will eat it. I can tell myself to turn off the tv after one show, and I can not. No will power at all...meaning, I can't get myself away from Pinterest. Ever seen or heard of it?! Well, it is simply amazing. I have gained at least 46.5 pounds just by finding all kinds of great recipes on there...I've spent thousands of dollars on things to make my home a prettier place, and countless hours gazing at photos, blogs, crafts, etc. It's getting ridiculous.

So...if you have any willpower to put the computer down after a period of time, please feel free to check out my boards. <a href=""><img src="" width="156" height="26" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

I've also decided after spending so much time on this site that every Monday I'm going to update my blog with something that has inspired me from this website. It may be a recipe to try, or one I have tried; it may be a cute outfit or nail polish I find; it may be a photo or poster that makes me never know. I'm going to call it..... "Must Have Monday!"

So today's Must Have is this.
I have been collecting plates for about a year now, I have 9 or 10 at this time I think. And now that Ray and I have a new home that has NOTHING on the walls, I think instead of doing the circle like I had at my old house (thanks Mom!) I'm going to do something like the top picture. :) Or maybe the bottom one....or maybe the I'm so indecisive, lately!

Happy Monday y'all! Make this week be a good one for you!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A visit to Kemah Boardwalk

This past weekend, Ray and I took off on Saturday afternoon to go on an adventure. As we were heading out the door, Ray says "We'll take my car...I've got better tires." We were on the south side of Houston, when Ray takes an exit, one I didn't think we should be taking.... He said the car sounded funny. About a half hour later, and the spare tire where the rear tire of the drivers side should be, we continued on our way. We found that the tire was torn to shreds on the inside. He just bought the two back tires on the way to Alabama in April, only 4 months ago. :(

But, after the unexpected tire change...we continued on...

View of Downtown on I-10

When we finally arrived, we had made it through an almost blown tire, drove through a rain storm, and arrived at the coast, and Kemah Boardwalk. 

We found catfish, and fed them.

A funny little bird who wanted us to feed him instead of the fish. 

 Went to the Downtown Aquarium's Stingray Reef!

Ray feeding the Sting Rays!

Me, feeding the Sting Rays, which I was less than thrilled about.... 

A small alligator and some turtles

This turtle is trying with all his little might to get out of this tank

A very giant, what I would guess, as a very old turtle

YIKES! A tarantula! 

Ray and I after just boarding the Boardwalk Beast

After the Boardwalk Beast! Holy cow, we knew we were going to get wet....but little did we know, we sat in the worst seat and when we got off, it looked like we'd just swam in the ocean with our clothes on! Ugh, I don't swim in salt water for a reason...all sticky and smelly the rest of the day. But that doesn't ruin our mood, we're troopers! 

Can't you tell with this face?!

Drying off! 

What a great little time we had. So much fun! 

Sunday after church, we decided to wander aimlessly...yet again. Ray doesn't usually get home until 7:30-8:00 every weekday evening, so on the weekends, we're excited to spend quality time with one another. :) 

We went to the mall, and went to the movies and saw Crazy Stupid Love. We had a great weekend! Lot's of fun. 

This coming weekend, I look forward to some time with my girlfriends. A girls night out, Saturday!! We'll see how much trouble we can get into! ;) 

Ciao, my friends! 

A Trip to the Big Easy...continued.

Here's another round of photos from my trip to New Orleans last weekend.

From the bridge headed into New Orleans from The West Bank

This photo is of the Superdome sign, not the truck with the LSU logo and two pin-up girls, lol.

A street car on Canal Street

A sweet little street in the French Quarter

Ray, very happy in the city he loves

Typical balconies

A little cat on Bourbon Street

Me at dinner. Note: It was about 100 degrees, and I felt very sweaty and sticky. 

Alligator Sausage at The Embers

Ray & I

The beginning of Mardi Gras Exhibit at the Louisiana State Museum

Superdome up close....(from the highway)

A quick trip thru Baton Rouge

Mike, the LSU Tiger

Mike is taking a little tiger snooze

View of Baton Rouge from I-10